Writing a graduation speech

writing a graduation speech

Math problem solving skills speech can reflect the power of these writing a graduation speech bonds. In my opinion, this writing a graduation speech is the hardest to pull together to create one outstanding commencement address. Repeat until you have collected your thoughts. I prefer the attitude of Max Beerbohm who said that "the ant sets an example for us all, but it is not a good one. Panda Floof. If you are giving a graduation speech you should take your time to write a speech with your specific audience in mind that conveys a message you care about and that shows your personality! Some graduates have had to clear very high hurdles to walk across the podium. Making a Difference: Inspire your audience by reminding them how young people have the ability to do so much good in the world. Some graduates may attend college. Not Helpful 0 Helpful 0. Now is the time to honor them.