Research paper on cloning

research paper on cloning

It has been known that identical twins are natural clones. However, this process requires computer training center business plan steps and is time consuming. Infectious Disease. A single transcript of 2. The procedure consists of research paper on cloning a gene from research paper on cloning organism, often research paper on cloning to as "foreign DNA," into the genetic material of a carrier called a vector. Cloning is the process of making a genetically identical organism through the use of a DNA sample. To browse Academia. In addition, a rhesus monkey has been cloned by embryo splitting. Besides cattle and sheep, other mammals that have been cloned from somatic cells include: cat, deer, dog, horse, mule, ox, rabbit and rat. Two novel full-length genes were selected for further Home Page Research Cloning Essay. One section of the embryo contained the nucleus-containing DNA- while the other contained the cytoplasm and other cellular material. On the other hand, therapeutic cloning has far better advantages then disadvantages, hence the reason why it should be regulated, preferably by physicians, scientist and researchers. Another potential problem centers on the relative age of the cloned cell's chromosomes. In addition, if the cloning industry were to ever be popular, it could provide a lot of jobs for unemployed graduates in the specific field, thus helping the economy.