How to write a biographical essay

how to write a biographical essay

Quantitative research proposal samples essay vs. Remember that how to write a biographical essay a biography essay can be educational in that you can learn a great deal about someone as how to write a biographical essay grow as a writer. Those are the sources you should use biogralhical your biography essay. Biograpbical give your reader a question to ponder about tk subject or a provocative idea about your subject's life. Thematic structure strategically conveys given and new information to frame and insert specific themes. Event Rationale Birth Kierkegaard is born on the 5th of May, The point of the biographical essay is to reveal who that person was and what contribution they have made to the world. Different writers will have varying opinions and information about your chosen person, so it's best to read a wide range of sources. Such data can come from newspapers, internet articles, existing biographies, autobiographies, and government documents other sources. On the other hand, a biography on Nelson Mandela, Neil Armstrong, The Wright Brothers, among other notables would point to their great role and positive contribution to society.