Example of a business plan outline
Consider the following outline to be a master version to reference and consider, but be sure to focus on the plan type and sections that are most beneficial to your business, pitch or overall strategic planning. I believe example of a business plan outline should also benjamin franklin thesis statement projected business ratiosand market analysis tables, as well as personnel listings. There has been more talk about businesses not needing a business plan when starting out, especially if example of a business plan outline not asking for money. Title Page and Table of Contents. And give you the ability to anticipate any upcoming difficulties with your investors or plan what to do with the excess cash flow if things go better than expected. The objective of the appendix section is to serve as a reserve of materials that the investor can use either to investigate certain areas of your business plan in more details or as a starting point to do his due diligence. Every business has 2 types of costs: fixed and variable costs. Our business plan outline is structured so that each section answers a specific set of investor questions about your business. Until now all the sections of the business plan outline we covered were very descriptive, this is where things get a bit more interesting. Page 2. A defined customer base who will most likely purchase the product or service.